Sign digitally directly in the web conference
Documents are uploaded and signed electronically with diContract-Sign in a convenient and legally secure way on any device. This saves paper, time and effort.
The eSignature component is seamlessly integrated into ecosero. This means that any document can be signed and a contract concluded directly during the consultation in the web conference or afterwards. The signature is done with the finger on smartphones or tablets. Separate tools and pens are thus superfluous.

Secure according to the European eIDAS standard
The advanced digital signature diContract-Sign is legally secure and DSGVO-compliant. In accordance with the European eIDAS standard for digital signatures, the signature is verifiable. Biometric identifiers of the signatory are recorded in the signature and assigned to the device. diContract-Sign thus complies with the eIDAS regulation and assigns the advanced electronic signature directly to the signatory. The company is clearly identifiable. Subsequent modification of the signature in the document is impossible.
Please contact our sales department if you are interested in the digital signature option.