Verification of Video consultation hour
General information on certification according to ips

Annex 31b to the BMV-Ä - Verification for video consultation hours
"The digitalisation of medical care through health apps and
video consultations is advancing. Data protection and
information security as well as patient data protection must be
Sections 2, 2a and 5 para. 2 of the Agreement on
the Requirements for Technical Procedures for Video
Consultations pursuant to Section 365 para. 1 SGB V (in short:
Annex 31b BMV-Ä) set out the requirements. They stipulate that
video service providers must meet the requirements for
"information technology security" and "data protection". This
must be proven by a certificate from an accredited body for data
protection and for information technology security respectively
if they want to be listed with the Kassenärztliche
Bundesvereinigung (KBV) and the GKV-Spitzenverband."
Bilduin GmbH has had the ecosero video consultation, including the online video consultation, audited by datenschutz cert GmbH and awarded the ips seal of approval "Videosprechstunde-DSGVO" and "Videosprechstunde-IT".
This means that we have subjected our ecosero Videosprechstunde solution to the highest requirements, which on the one hand guarantee compliance with data protection and consumer protection regulations and on the other hand include state-of-the-art security precautions. The ips criteria catalogue is available at
The internet data protection standards are recommended as a nationwide seal of approval for web portals by the German government's Initiative D21 and by consumer protection associations. A seal of approval according to ips meets a high standard of inspection.
Certificate enables billing with health insurance companies (for Germany)
As a certified video service provider, the services provided by ecosero Video Consultation Hour are billable under standard care. Service providers can therefore claim a fee for the use of the video consultation. The billing rates are defined in the Gebührenordnung für Ärzte (GOÄ), the Einheitlicher Bewertungsmaßstab (EBM) and the Einheitlicher Bewertungsmaßstab für zahnärztliche Leistungen (BEMA). Some billing figures were created explicitly for video consultation, while other services can be billed both for treatment in the practice and for remote treatment via video consultation. In the case of dental care, it should be noted that a separate catalogue of criteria of the KZBV applies to video consultation hours, which ecosero video consultation hours also fulfils.
Test centre confirms data protection The processing of personal data was also tested. Here too, achieves a high level of quality, which is why the video consultation has a further certificate in addition to the approval for standard care. The proof of compliance with the Basic Data Protection Regulation DSGVO is provided by datenschutz cert GmbH. Users of are hereby confirmed that all personal data is always handled in compliance with data protection.
Certificate for the KV (for Germany)
For registration with your health insurance company, please use Certificate 1 and Certificate 2 as well as the contract documents you will receive after registration.